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Wild Craft of the Month - Hawthorn Tea

Wild Craft of the Month - Hawthorn Tea

Hawthorn Tea

In May we harvested Hawthorn Flowers and Leaves to dry for Tea, and today we harvest Hawthorn Berries to dry and add in to the mix making a Total Heart Tea for the winter.

The Haws are amazingly and beautifully abundant this Autumn, as was the Blossom last Spring. Hawthorn is a wonderful Heart Healer and using all parts of the plant makes for good medicine.

Gently cut or pick some ripe Hawthorn Berries on twigs and put to dry in a warm place.

I find the airing cupboard is fine, or use a dehydrator if you prefer in which case strip the berries from the twigs first. When the Berries are dry pick from them from the twigs and mix with the dried flowers and leaves. Dried Red Rose petals can be added for some extra Love and Joyfulness. Hawthorn and Rose are the same family. Gently mix together, the scent is like Heaven. Store in a glass jar, in a cool dark place.

Make the tea in a glass tissane teapot, leave for 10mins to infuse. Add a little honey to taste.