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Wild Craft of the Month - Thyme Tea

Thyme has wonderful antiseptic properties and is great for warding off colds and treating sore throats. If feeling under the weather make some Thyme tea, it is comforting and strengthening…

In the Winter I use dried Thyme, in the Summer fresh Thyme.Lemon Thyme has a wonderful flavour and you can grow your own and dry some for Winter use. However bought organic dried Thyme will work very well if you don’t have your own supply.

Note ~ Thyme varies quite a lot in strength depending on where it is grown, so adjust quantities to taste.

Tisane pots are great for making herb teas, they usually dispense with the need to strain ( unless your herbs are very fine and dusty ) and they look very attractive. It always feels special to make tea in a glass pot, seeing the colours glowing as the tea steeps, creating your own ‘medicine magic’. Making your own tea will always be superior to using a tea bag.

1 desert spoon of organic dried Thyme

1 pint of just boiled water.

Tisane pot

Place the Thyme into the funnel in the pot. Pour the hot water over the Thyme, replace the lid and leave to infuse for 10 mins. Pour out and add a teaspoon of Honey to taste. You can add a squeeze of lemon at this point, but personally I prefer the delicate flavour of Thyme alone, simply enhanced with a little honey.